The Curse of Wolf Mountain (2023)



I could not wait to see The Curse of Wolf Mountain once I read the synopsis because, as a fan of horror, I was excited to see Saw’s Tobin Bell. He is without a doubt one of the best horror movie villains of all time. When I learned that Danny Trejo a classic in the horror genre, was also in it, I couldn’t help but get prepared to watch this movie, which I thought would be entertaining.

My initial thoughts were that the movie would be great especially, after seeing Bell with Keli Price who was the writer and actor of the film. But slowly, as the film progressed, my faith started to go away. I regret to inform you that if your only reason for watching the film is Bell, then you will be gravely let down. Although he is brilliant during the few moments he is on the screen, which is, unfortunately, less than five minutes, he simply does not appear enough. The same can be said for Trejo, who, despite his enjoyable performance, also does not show up often enough.

Aj (Price) starts experiencing dreams of his parent’s death execution at Wolf Mountain when he was a child. He discovers that he attended their death which is slowly starting to make sense. What this urges him to do is return to the site of the tragedy, where he believes the answers lie, with his brother and girlfriend.

Keli Price and David Lipper, who plays Aj’s brother Max and directed the film, were heavily influenced by 90s slasher films. However, it is important to note that The Curse of Wolf Mountain, while not perfect, does try to reconstruct the feeling of films from that era but set in the modern-day.

The most blatant one is the Friday The 13th collection as The Curse of Wolf Mountain fully utilizes a campsite (with both tents and trailers) while a deadly maniac is on the loose in the woods. And, rather predictably, there are some couple cliches like the pair sharing some ‘intimacy’ glancing completely over the danger lying around them.

The Curse of Wolf Mountain vs Jason Goes to Hell The Final Friday There are quite a few differences, however. First, The Curse of Wolf Mountain is on a much tighter film budget, and with the shots being poorly lit during nighttime, the visuals are quite literally nightmarish. And when the killer chooses to unveil himself, we get an ordinary perpetrator with his identity concealed under an absolutely ridiculous wolf mask that doesn’t seem frightening in the slightest instead of a menacing Jason Voorhees.

Gory deaths in this film are vastly distributed throughout, but regrettably, they are anticlimactic. Simply considering it will lend a hand to me lowering my expectations, but given the budget constraints, I wish to think that Lipper would reach into his bag of tricks and come up with some unorthodox and creative ways to kill people. Sadly, this is not the case, as every death is as short as it is flawed. Every death seems to end with cheap jump scares. The most ironic thing is that the daytime hour scenes contain some of the best camera work and offer some stunning shots as the camera pans around the mountain range.

One of The Curse of Wolf Mountain’s biggest problems is the failure to sell the drama encompassed in the storyline, which is spoiled by cringe-worthy dialogues and dull characters. The humor added to the screenplay illustrates that the movie does not take itself very seriously. The problem, however, is that the things that unfold during the runtime of the film feel more like some low-budget horror movie spoof rather than a comedy with a blend of some serious plot.

The most annoying part of the movie is the wolf-man reveal which is a total waste and lacks any seriousness. And even though Hollywood stars Bell and Trejo are good to see in the film, they along with the rest of the cast cannot save this piece of trash that is The Curse of Wolf Mountain.

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