Transference: Dark Mutants (2020)



The surge in the popularity of superhero movies has led to even smaller-budget filmmakers attempting to tackle the genre. Some have worked, others have not, but writers have had to come up with interesting solutions to fit their budgets.

Originally, Transference Dark Mutants feels largely like a sci-fi film that borders on the horror genre, but it gradually shifts to something more like an X-men sci-fi flick. Emma, the main character, has superpowers but is virtually imprisoned by his twin brother Joshua. Joshua thinks that he is protecting her from the outside world which will do terrible things to her if they realize what she is capable of. It appears that he might be right when a mysterious figure begins stalking him and his sister.

Transference tries too hard to put itself in as many genres, sci-fi, horror, superhero, and even thriller and somehow is unsuccessful at specializing in any one of those genres. Of course, it does not need to focus on a single genre, but the way it shifts between them makes it incredibly difficult to find satisfying solutions.

What looks like a talented actor plays the role of a doctor, one in which I think he could be a primary character because of their importance. Transference for me is frustrating in the manner that the story across the board skims over details which are needed as context. Where do these characters come from? Why do they bring so much intrigue?

Surely this is vague enough not to have a good feeling about In hindsight which fills the blanks we are later fed, there are many movies that do not show what the plot is trying to tell immediately. However, what is plain as day is that their goal is not vague, I just find it confusing.

Whether it was the budget time constraints or simple choices, it’s clear there was so much more that could be built upon to make the story much more appealing.

Even with some relative inexperience in the production, Transference does not feel like an amateur film. I mean, it’s not great but none of the acting is awful either. Melissa Joy Boerger isn’t perfect as Emma, but I was surprised to find out this is her first acting role. Jimmy Ninaber as Joseph? Oh my gosh, he’s so much better. He attends his fourth acting role and absolutely crushes it, nailing what could have been a very boring character in the wrong hands.

Other positives arise from how the movie looks. It is no surprise that the movie is pleasant to look at for its entire run time. The handful of fight scenes, all of which have top-notch choreography look hard-hitting and the violence is impossible to ignore.

Transference: Dark Mutants had many upsides to it, but the story had a lot to desire. It didn’t hook me in or provide any answers to my numerous questions, and even the ending felt like some things were left unresolved. It felt like the conclusion of a weekly TV series. If you want a better but sort of similar movie, check out Freaks as it does a whole lot better. That being said, everyone involved will no doubt go on to bigger things as there is a lot of talent here.

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