Marriage Killer (2019)



Megan D’Angelo (Barbie Castro, who also produced and wrote for the film) strains over her marriage with Robert (Jason London) who is increasingly occupied trying to keep his construction business afloat. A small shoulder injury leads Megan to encounter chiropractor Isabelle Vanetti (Kristen Renton)who befriends Megan and Robert very quickly and takes them to Secret Sins, an adult nightclub. Robert, and Megan were not too excited about it at first but, they ultimately made the plunge only to discover that their passions were reignited.

While out with friends at night, Isabelle mentions the idea of an open relationship at which the D’Angelos deny the request initially, but after a friend’s night, all three of them end up getting intimate. Shortly afterward, Isabelle confesses that she is in love with Morgan and Robert and wants to keep dating them. While the D’Angelos make it clear that what transpired between them was a one-off event, Isabelle pretends to go along with it only to later on plot revenge against Morgan and Robert, showing that she is not one to take no for an answer. With her life coming apart at the seams, can Morgan save his deranged friend from herself and the chaos she is about to unleash onto the world?

Concord Films’ most recent installment in the “Killer” franchise, Marriage Killer, goes deeper into its more sensual territory than the previous ones. While the film is definitely not as risqué as Fifty Shades of Grey, it does incorporate threesome and adult clubs to add excitement to the standard premise of “There’s a Psycho Destroying My Life.”

Marriage Killer unfolds and progresses naturally, allowing viewers to feel immersed with the D’Angelo family as they subconsciously invite danger into their lives. In a nice touch, Isabelle has a backstory that is slow to unfold as well, leaving audiences to question what level of insanity the villainess of Marriage Killer truly possesses and what her true objectives behind Morgan and Roberts are.

Kristen Renton is a new addition to Concord and she once again proves how good casting always rises to the top. Isabelle is an unhinged and obsessive character who Renton plays to perfection. Throughout the film, Isabelle goes from being deeply obsessed with the D’Angelos to being hellbent on watching their lives descend into a nightmare, making her the most intriguing character to watch. As for Barbie Castro and Jason London, the former captivated audience as a couple who’s broken but deeply in love while, for Castro, portraying Morgan’s emotional despair as Isabelle’s plan leaves her family in shambles is rough. The same can be said about Taylor Castro, who has a very strong role, and her third act of the film more than compensates for her long absence.

From a character perspective, Marriage Killer isn’t without its dubious decisions. Morgan is surprisingly sympathetic and compelling as the main character, but she does things that are bafflingly stupid purely for the sake of the plot. For example, during her revenge campaign against Isabelle, her understanding and perception of Isabelle’s character seem to oscillate – at some stages she appears to have figured out she is being played, only to usurp some fantastical version of reality and dutifully walk into her enemy’s mouth.

In stark contrast to Morgan, Robert seems to think that there is nothing wrong with just standing by while Morgan and Abbey’s lives disintegrate around them, which is bound to be jarring given that he did justify her merciless manipulation of him while being deeply sympathetic to her goal. The nuance in understanding her character and behavior ought to make him second guess his approach towards his, and consequently Morgan’s, marital deterioration, but this epiphany comes about, if at all, far too late to avoid being labeled as one more case of contrived shortsightedness Robert suffers. This sort of thinking, ignoring the overwhelming evidence of what happens to Morgan in the care of Isabelle, conveniently places Robert in the shady camp of empathetic callousness.

Despite the flaws, Marriage Killer is an amusing stalker thriller, as it has a great cast that will keep the fans of Lifetime entertained. Fans from Lifetime might remember some of Concord’s works when it aired on the network, and this movie is perfect for viewers looking for new thrills. The emotional range that the strong but equal protagonists from Marriage Killer infuse into the film will surely attract a lot of strong viewers used to the style of Concord’s films.

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