Followers (2024)



Followers (2024) is a SCREAMBOX horror film. It is a sequel to Follower (2022), but you can watch this horror movie as a standalone. Important elements from the first movie are shown during the first few minutes of the movie so you are ready to go.

I never watched the first version myself, but the way the story was narrated at the start of this sequel definitely intrigued me. This new installment did not blow me out of the water, but it did have strong moments that worked for its genre. Put another way, it is worth it if you enjoy a decent survival horror flick.

As noted, this is a sequel so the recap Follower (2022) plays the role as the prologue. Now a year has passed and the three friends who survived Follower (2022) have been trying to cope in their own ways.

In all likelihood, they all deal with PTSD, which is fair to assume. Some of them manage it better than others. Some try to ease their pain through the abuse of substances by making documentaries and getting image contracts or simply ignore the pain.

Now, a year later, this same group of friends, who barely survived an incident, are the new targets of a cult. An incel cult that has left the confines of the internet to walk among us. While Follower’s premise was set in the wilderness on the outskirts of a camping area, Followers is a home invasion horror-thriller.

While this is a low-budget production that relies heavily on creativity, it still splendidly blends genres. Rather than relying on poor CGI or overly done slasher-style horror practical effects, the last-second cut-away is used.

You will realize, and I really like that, what is about to happen to them; but instead of showing the violence we see the results of it. Not showing the violence is one of the most straightforward ways to avoid poor special effects, while still reaping the benefits of a gory and blood-soaked horror thriller.

I also appreciate a lot of the dialogue and the social commentary. It is, however, marred by being a little bit too rough around the edges and poorly acted, which the director should capture more and make the ultimate edit. A few scenes in Followers, which I’m sure are mostly captured from different angles, would have provided a better outcome with a few more takes being done.

James Rich and Zac Hersh are back at it with this film which they refer to as a timely social commentary, but it is their definition of social commentary that I find wanting and paradoxical in a world where self proclaimed incels blame everyone else as victims while they are the ones causing harm.

I appreciate the attempt to save money on the violent scenes, but I must say, I wish the same could be said with the kitchen scenes. I am not sure if they cannot multitask or simply don’t cook, but nobody seemed to know what they were doing. But these are trifles, as some would say, but they ruin the overall effect, if not the reality of life.

Also, it is hard to concentrate on what is being said because it is alarming and scary. And also the food they are ‘cooking’ never reaches the plate which is just odd. Isn’t it that hard?

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