All Is Lost (2013)



All Is Lost” is a film written and directed by J C Chandor, who also directed “Margin Call” in 2011, and this shift from the first film into this one was quite captivating. In his debut, J C’s style revolved around elaborate dialogues, which really did not work during his first feature length film, and earned him an Academy Award nomination for best Original Screenplay. This time, his new movie pulled all of that difference to the other side, and features only Robert Redford as a man in most of the Indian Ocean, who remains mute throughout it’s most parts.

Chandor’s new challenge is supported at every step by his mastery toward the conflict, drama and formal dedication, in conjunction with the performance of a passionate Redford, who immediately marches ahead, crossing oceans alone. “All Is Lost” is simply reminding audiences of the talent of Robert Redford, while giving the new Jason Chandor an even larger platform to showcase what could become incredible talent in the future. It made this reviewer bow down, who out of spite towards “Margin Call” harshly labelled Chandor as a ‘flash-in-the-pan’ type director.

The voiceover uses Redford’s character, referred to as Our Man during the closing credits, as he writes a letter of apology to an undisclosed recipient. It is unclear whether this apology is directed to a lover, a random person that may find it, or even God him/herself. What is astonishing is that this question remains untouched. One of the best aspects of “All Is Lost” is its brilliant principal decision of not providing any context. As far as our man is concerned, there are no idyllic land contrasting scenes on which he dares to survey his lordship. Alas, there are no spin tales about a playground incident gone wrong. (Looking at you, “Gravity”).

Showing a glimpse from eight days ago reveals the root cause of Our Man’s plight. He appears to be out searching for something when he encounters a free-floating shipping container and proceeds to discover the severe gash it has left my sailboat. As Redford’s character’s appears the most disturbed he has ever looked but clearly uncomfortable due to stoicism, his discomfort becomes tested when he faces a series of clouds storms ready to rip my adage to shreds.

Sharing any more details of the plot would spoil the sheer enjoyment of witnessing the beauty of this film. I beg you to avoid the trailer if you have not seen the movie yet. JC Chandor and Robert Redford worked together to create a modern classic. It is a survival story that is respectful not just to the sole character and his natural challenges, but to the audience as well. Chandor works with Redford’s weaknesses. His weathered face, tranquil resolve, and emotionsless disposition enable Redford to do all the “acting.” Redford performs in the latter part of his life on screen. This performance is not just physically exahausting, it demands a lot psychologically too. Relentless support also comes from the cinematographer, Frank G. DeMarco, who establishes a palpable oppositional foreground between the wide open space of the ocean and the cramped lower levels of the ship. He Shaffer is proficient in skillfully subordinating the meaningful superfluity to a few shattering notes, and he does so in the score.

The concept of life is simple to grasp and is one that is important in the modern age. One reason why the ending can be debated for years to come is that it is very unique in terms of the format and theme. The word masterpiece is overused, but in this case, it really does apply. And that detail regarding the ending is quite crucial. The film as a whole brings all the dots together beautifully. And issueing critiques on the ending seems to be illogical because the entire film is a work of art. The resemblance can only fit with Tennyson’s Ulysses. Yes, All is Lost is very stunning.

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