It is sometimes easier than it looks to sell a film using a marketing strategy that releases the tagline, calling the film a blend of two world-known movies. For Ninja Zombies, advertising it as Zombieland and Buffy the Vampire Slayer combined in one is guaranteed to grab attention. Although the description that fits best is probably Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for retarded adults.
The film markets itself by claiming to contain other elements: astonishing action scenes, suspenseful storylines, horror, blood, aggression, and a whole lot of humor. Produced and written by Noah Cooper, the movie really has some high-level ninja fighting action, which can be deemed violent, but delivers too much of it. Disappointingly, it lacks suspense unless you would like to bet on how long you can endure watching it. The quality of the production is great like a video game blood flies against the screen like it’s a horror game, but the acting is where this film fails. That’s where the humor begins.
25-year-old Dameon Kim is suddenly left to come to terms with the fact that he now must face off against a fleet-footed undead while being assisted by the spirit of a samurai. What a premise, huh? Though the premise is fascinating, the execution of the thespian’s act, who delivers his lines like a middle school talent show, is shocking. And we are just getting started. ‘Trish the Hot Girl’ is as close to a wooden character as you could possibly get. On the other side, goth sword master Kara’s acting is so broken and cliche that it seems to be purposefully done. This goes even further when we see Lloyd Kaufman appear as himself, in a completely ridiculous manner. G and Lar-Dawg, the world’s version of Bulk and Skull, can be considered as the single source of the so-called relief. Admittedly, the two bumbling knuckleheads are pretty convincing with their constant phrases like ‘That’s what she said’ and so on.
From what I highlighted, the remainder of the cast is filled with proficient swordsmen and martial arts practitioners, which is basic to see. Arguably the most impressive piece of the movie Ninja Zombies is its cover art. The movie has approximately 75% of its duration allocated to fighting. which, even with some pieces overpowered by filters and effects, is astonishing. But this too is a weakness and gets too repetitive, which by all means, is Power Ranger’s level of low-effort villain-of-the-week writing. The actual stock footage of the Japanese television program is so poorly integrated that even the weaponry known as the sword of destiny (created to eliminate the ninja zombies) suffers.
In terms of entertainment, Ninja Zombies falls perfectly into the broad category of things Japanese that Americans obsess over such as Pocky, anime cons, and being otaku.
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