Cocaine Cowboys 2 (2008)



Cocaine Cowboys’ was entertaining because it was infused with the excitement of the Miami Vice era, yet glee amidst the mounting body counts. Ole Corben gets back into the saga and instead of focusing on Miami, takes us to the Godmother’s gory reign in Oakland. The considerate duality of the documentary The Beast Is Yet To Come sends shivers, as it tackles several niche topics but remains extremely engaging on all fronts. 

His father’s gay lover forced Cosby to drift towards Gang life, as he never had a father figure while growing up. Relating to Cosby, Corben notes how his childhood is puzzling. The vintage crack cocaine capital of Oakland was seething in glamor making him wallow into the extremely addictive drug at the tender age of 12.

With the gradual escalation of gang control over the local drug market, Cosby plunged deep into the world of violence. As adeptly showcased in David Cypkin’s animation style combined with his skills as a producer and editor, Cosby was forced to leave town for over a year. Once he returned, he learned Blanco was arrested but was quite impressed with how she managed to control the cocaine business. In fact, he wrote her fan letters which Blanco eventually responded to.

From what one would describe a Pulp Fiction novel, Cosby’s relationship with Blanco turned romantic while in prison, and as surprising as it is, Blanco was somehow able to manage her affairs, and control her life outside prison, regardless of how locked down the prison was. Cosby became so knowledgeable of Blanca’s life, that he began describing in detail her upbringing in the Colombian slums and how she entered the world of drugs via prostitution. ( 」Frankie Girls’ is buttressed by further accounts from such Florida investigators as Bob Palombo, who served a similar role in the first doc.)

She was a drug lord and for that reason, woman of great power, living in luxurious mansions, and commissioning extravagant works of art of herself to place in her homes. Blanco earned that title through nefarious means such as the assassination of her two husbands. Once Blanco accomplished betrayal of epic proportions by suspecting Cosby of infidelity, I guess she was right when saying she possesses the ability to sniff betrayal from afar.

It’s crackerjack stuff, capped off with the ideal open ending: Blanco might still be alive, perhaps still tracking down Cosby which is most troubling of all she is outside of prison. The viewer is tempted to consider whether Cosby, who insists that he’s exiled from crime for good, may have issued his own death sentence by partaking in the film.

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