Terror Trap (2010)



I’m not sure if it is appropriate to use the term torture porn, but my point here is that the term has been widely used since the hostel films came out. The idea that people are willing to pay to see or engage in the torture and execution of people has certainly become a far more common practice in horror and in sadistic horror, if I am being frank. Most of these films tend to have demonic or underworld-like characters that place bids on these gruesome spectacles, and that’s what sells. I guess it is like Disneyland for the terminally disturbed.

The average movie that is made to sell as snuff will have an abundance of blood as enjoyed by the unwilling participants. It is a movie that pretty much sells itself to a very unsophisticated audience who needs entertainment to be bloody and red.

With that, we smoothly arrive at Terror Trap, which is the latest of the countless remakes that are dumbed down to please the audience and to produce pain for any sane individual’s eyes. You can be very sure of the quality of a movie when Michael ‘Straight to Video’ Madsen gets the top billing or even has a billing for that matter. He is Carter, the head of some dubious crime venture which trades in humans that are slaughtered for a paying audience. My guess is that he has some funky name for his outfit, Like Carter’s Crime Cartel or something along those lines.

One of his entertainment venues is The Motel Royal Vista, which is just an average roadside stop and part of his entertainment venture, which is far from royal and has no vista at all to mention. Whenever people encounter breakdowns or accidents in the vicinity, they are referred to the motel by the crooked local sheriff who happens to be on Carter’s payroll. And as soon as unfortunate tourists seem to be cruising through unscathed, they suddenly get rammed off the main road by carter’s men. He is in the business of blood, and business is good.

This destiny is reserved for Don and Nancy, a fighting couple that has a car accident and is rewarded with a broken-down vehicle and a filthy motel room. What do you think about the motel receptionist who does not see many strangers around these parts? You would think that he charging them no fee whatsoever might be suspicious, but no, Don and Nancy just complain about the rooms’ condition to one another. How many motels have a big enough mirror to conceal a live studio audience behind it? That and blood on the walls. And they do not charge you a single penny.

Before long, the couple residing next to the rented room starts to make murder noises, who unfortunately for them Don and Nancy think are sex noises. For his own good, bold Don decides to see since the mystery is always disgusting. Watching how the filmmaker tries to reveal the information of the character little by little, as well as trying to build the story, is actually quite entertaining. In reality, however, if you have watched Vacancy or are even slightly intelligent, you will be able to guess the end once they arrive at the car park.

Should I continue? People are mutilated, blood gushes, and Don and Nancy claw at each other to survive. For all the mindless and gore-filled movies, Terror Trap will cater to your taste perfectly. If you prefer your horror to be slightly intelligent, then perhaps another motel might be worth checking into.

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