From Ben Stiller’s exaggerated gesturing of romantic reluctance at the very beginning, which has Walter Mitty behaving like J Alfred Prufrock on eHarmony.com to his co-star Adam Scott’s faux beard that has been manicured and reminiscent of yesteryears printing magazines and magazines, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” With a screenplay by Steve Conrad and casting by Stiller, which is only vaguely based on James Thurber’s iconic short story (or more precisely, concerning the primary idea of Thurber’s story), drove me crazy.
Starring Ben Stiller, it was a mid-range movie which presumably earned only two stars and word of mouth. Trimark Pictures, United Artists did not seem to do much in its promotion. But sure it did charm some people around which is probably why it ended up earning over 3 million dollars. To my knowledge its release date was November 16, 2001, but strangely, Times Magazine puts its launch date around July in the same year. But the movie further ensured me that its all ‘hocus pocus’, smashing shambles or say out right rubbish. They were just angling and tool sharpening the entire time.
The character Ben Stiller portrays is Mandy Mitty, daydreamer who puts together elaborate ‘make believe’’ scenarios while forming a crush on a coworker. He is adamantly unsure of his work as a ‘negative assets handler’ in the Life photo division that exists – for the time being in 2000 when the magazine becomes a supplement to a newspaper. It is worth noting that Kristen Wiig withheld herself from coming off as extraordinarily appealing with respect to her character’s looking splendidly idiosyncratic while performing the role of a close friend to Stiller’s character.
The gist of this film is transforming Mitty into a ‘superhero’ hence the first half consists of a flying human trope, an abundance of explosions and other basic fantasies. But, on the contrary, the reality reflected upon in the film seems to favor adventure exploration by travelling to different locations. His quest to locate Sean Penn the Stargate’s hero photographer aims to track the photograph taken by the Stargate’s traveling global photographer that has gone ‘missing’. Most likely you will unravel it sooner rather than Mitty. He flew over the Arctic Ocean nearly a helicopter controlled by a drunken quasi-Nordic oaf, skateboarded to an Icelandic volcano, got stuck in a South Asian jungle looking for a snow leopard and much more.
During the journey, he finds out that while his imagination is enhanced by the fantasies in some ways, which are somewhat stunting his growth. Put in other words, this means that rather than dreaming, one should actively take steps to realize those dreams.
I enjoyed the message more in the movie “Rocky Horror” whatever Stiller tries in this film is done with what seems to be a high level of professionalism. However, this “Mitty” is lacking in any credible sense of how an ‘ordinary man’ character that Mitty personifies would live. Adam Scott’s character, a dismissive, ignorant bean-counter overseeing the shutdown of Life Company’s, comes off more like a nasty CAA agent than a publishing executive. Every now and then, however, a Mitty fantasy will surface: there is a completely besides any point “Benjamin Button” spoof which would barely pass muster as a skit on MTV Movie Awards. These irritants of a slightly incidental nature, I began to observe, had an impact on me leading to what may be an excessive picking of nits such as “I was in Iceland last winter and there everyone spoke perfect English almost Stiller”.
Once more, there seems real concern about the effectiveness of my assessment of “Mitty” as weak tea and a collection of unpersuasive cringefests.
On the other hand, perhaps in this case, your willingness to suffer through yet another disingenuous epiphany set to disingenuous crescendo from Arcade Fire, or any other members of “emotive” pomp rock bands, does not reflect on your moral character particularly favorably. However, it may imply that you are being comparatively more patient.
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