The Ghostbusters like to believe they were the first to contain ghosts, but they are mistaken. The “Deep State” has been containing what they call “Bio Phantoms” for some time now, and in Milko Davis’s feature, ghosts are common knowledge. The story of “Ghosters Phantom Patrol“ begins when the facility’s containment unit has trouble, and two incompetent security guards are assigned to oversee the affected system. Do you want to make a call?
From the get-go, the opening scene where the guards step into the facility felt like something straight from the original 1984 classic. Instead of sensing dread, I felt giddy. An indie low-budget picture that takes inspiration from incredibly classic movies like Ghostbusters? Count me in! As the movie progressed, my suspicion was increasingly validated as the nods turned more overt it started to seem like Davis didn’t bother trying to conceal them at all. They were not only spirits of those long lost to the past but actual ghosts from his ancestors! Just kidding! Dialogue, and I mean, word for word dialogue was taken from the 84’ film. And yes, reader, there is even slime err ectoplasm!
“Ghosters Phantom Patrol” has no problem saying that this is a clone movie with new characters and a remixed story. I thought it was great so honestly? This is a low-budget feature without a doubt, and this may suffer a little in terms of technical aspects, but the charm makes up for it. Don’t do yourself the disservice of watching this film thinking that it will take itself seriously in any way. If you approach it intending to have fun – you will be A-Okay. “Ghosters Paranormal Patrol” is a film to enjoy and to have fun with, and in that sense, it definitely succeeds.
It is understandable if the film has some weird-looking parts, but never forget that it is an independently produced, low-budget film. If you have a thirty-million-dollar budget, your movie will look like a thirty-million-dollar film. But what I found bewildering was how much larger “Ghosters Phantom Patrol” actually felt, particularly towards the end of the movie. I will confess that there are some awkward-looking segments scattered around the first parts of the film, but they do have some really cool-looking effects. Most of these ‘cooler’ looking effects and shots are found later in the movie, but they do exist. The truth is, some of this film has surprised me more than a little bit, and I absolutely have no qualms about admitting it for a smaller production, this one really packs a punch at times.
Last but not least, here comes the blatant and subtle duplications of various “Ghostbusters” features. As soon as a hypothetical reporter emerged within the film for “Bill Murney” news, I believe all caution was thrown out of the window. I honestly thought, “Oh, Geez,” and groaned slightly. But in retrospect? Right from the very first scene, the entire 84’ classic was treated as a spectacle for the eyes, so the question that follows is, why not fully commit? I think I would like this film less if the winks and nods were more obvious it’s peculiar to say, but it’s the case.
What about you, at the end of the day? Ultimately, what I am certain about is that I found this film quite enjoyable. It is a sequel to what most deem as a family flick only now they have expanded it even more to include a real family Ghosters Phantom Patrol appears low budget and indie at times in its presentation, but then really gives off an overall feeling of something much bigger. My recommendation? At the very least watch thirty minutes of the movie, and you will be glad you did. For anyone looking for some lighthearted family fun, this is a gem of a movie on a ridiculously low budget. It achieves its goals, so I rate it three and a half stars.
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