Firenado (2023)



When I first saw the trailer for Firenado, it was clear to me that it is not a staunchly disaster comedy type movie. There is reason to believe that it could be more serious. This in itself is not a bad thing. Nevertheless, to honestly critique a film called Firenado is a different kind of undertaking than to evaluate a nonsensical film of the same title.

Not to be mistaken for Fire Twister, released in 2015, it is pleasant to point out that Firenado has some good ideas which makes it overall interesting to watch. It does the setting remarkably well, employing a collection of very aesthetic set pieces and a fairly good render of the titular firenado. Several of the stars put on interesting performances. Sian Altman, for example, as Anna, counters Devlin’s (Toby Wynn-Davies) and Helena’s (Nicola Wright) eccentricity very well.

There is also a strong beginning to the movie which portrays a group of lovable scientists that chase storms and highly resemble the Scooby-Doo gang (with an intern but without the ascot). The movie also sets up a promising premise wherein a group of armed robbers plans on robbing a house that is directly in the path of the firenado. That is certainly an interesting take and completely seems like a perfect plot for a comedic version of Home Alone. But, it just isn’t.

The actual plot of the movie is where the film falters. The concept of developing a flaming tornado is entertaining, however, the method of tackling a problem from a car seems too plain. Likewise, the thievery sub-plot lacks significance and moving from one place to another is simply ‘doing the same thing only at a different spot’ instead of advancing the storyline.

The firenado itself does not remain constant as the movie progresses. I understand that on first impression, it appears to be an outrageous statement. These firenados are unpredictable. However, this film portrays itself as a serious disaster movie, and as such, there exists a level of internal logic that must be adhered to that would not be required for a film that did not intend to execute a plausible plot.

The scientist spends over five minutes discussing how they will be set ablaze by the flaming tornado, and then get sidetracked in the subplot of the armed robbery which allows for the rumored fie tornado to never show. Devlin dedicates entire scenes to describing specific distances, like 300 meters, without any justification, and then never follows through with the distance. Instead, they set a scene in which the tornado destroys a gas station then theorize the only way for it to exit is by disguising itself as a waterspout. This leaves the viewer questioning why exactly the makers decided to construct these parameters for the tornadic fire. The answer to that remains unclear.

In contrast to how Pierce Mare’s character lacks any chemistry with her, Anna seems to be quite irrational and disconnect from emotional interaction while also wishing to start a relationship. In fact, he comes off as awkward and uninterested which is beyond sad as it is. When the conflict between the armed robbers and Pierca Moore occured, I expected the f Ciidernado to come and put an end to everything.

The ending juristically shocked me, so much so that I was taken aback. The end of my cluelessness was all the staring I needed. I began looking at how much time was left. There’s no way they aregoing to wrap up every single subplot from a movie that is just under two hours and complete it within two minutes. But to my surprise, they did.

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