Igor (2008)



In a rotten world, Igor is out looking to worsen it further. And in these efforts, he can earn a medal and a job promotion.

Malaria is a land where the people have slowly grown to understand that life will always be a storm and their idea of good and bad gets reversed. Looking to build a strong career for yourself? Then it is highly recommended you become an evil scientist who shows off his inventions at the annual evil science fair held in the king’s colossal coliseum.

Igor wishes to create a world-class monster that has morbid traits. This will show the world that he is beyond just being an Igor.

Just remember that Igor happens to be your standard Igor An Igor is not just a title but also a name. Over here, everyone is named Igor. In this country, the roughly 1.2 billion people consider them Archibalds, in reference to the post slaves they are so stupid that they are nothing more for than fetching tools and turning levers for evil aliens. They’ve got mounds on their backs for identification.

Every Igor is happy being a cog in the wheel, except for Igor. Glory is always on his mind. Now about his two assistants, one is a primitive robot with a brain jar for a head. He is called a brain. The second is a bucktoothed jackalope like bunny overgrown with smarts. (He reminds me of the depressingly sad Marvin from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.) Igor made, eh, salvaged them both, and they offer lots of hoax humour to the film. But Igor is not happy; he wants to achieve the impossible, something that is alive-red, you know, like Frankenstein.

He is badly disappointed when the evil bone he inserted malfunctions. She refers to herself as Eva; she is the gentlest, kindest, sunniest (patchworked and misshapen) woman who has ever been cooked up in an evil Igors dungeon.

Initially, Igor challenges you to uncover something positive about the situation. But that’s all a facade to deliver the final blow. This film aspires to instruct children that the good is always more favourable than the bad, irrespective of how trivial the bad may seem. In Malaria, everything is upside down. Good is bad, bad is good. So the culture that is served has its own set of morality. And if you abide by it, you arrive at some really grotesque conclusions.

Igor does not do that. I have a few, um, evil bones to pick with it for its depiction of the world turned upside down, and I shall get to them later, but for the central notion that Igor conveys, I have nothing but compliments.

The evil power banished the kingdom into a storm where Brain, Scamper and Igor had to risk their lives to save it. At the same time Eva, who is tempted by the king’s power, makes a decision to refuse his evil command. (For a small moment, she gives in but comes back to her senses once Igor tells her to.)

With arbitrary distinctions forced on people based on their looks and assumed intellect, class discrimination is exposed as a mockery. Lying is bashed for reasons associated with harming others. Boasting is seen as uninformed and self-aggrandizing. Whatever serves one’s own interest incurs the same consequences.

The conflict between good and evil, is, of course, one that is moral in nature. Igor, however, deals with it without reference to particulars, and so there are no Gods or Satans. Gadgets, gizmos and scientific manipulation are responsible for the handing of the power to create and reanimate life. “Pull the lever” is clearly the technical equivalent of saying “abracadabra.”

Jaclyn, Dr. Schadenfreude’s girlfriend and a skilled impersonator leaps on Igor’s lap and kisses him violently. Rather than expressing desire the scene is played for the humour of the situation, as she is trying to get his attention while Schadenfreude “acquires” Eva.

Like her name only suggests, she has a peculiar taste for dresses that accommodate her bosoms in a misbehaving way. Rather, she has a penchant for garments that do not hide her breasts and push them a little too high for comfort.

Jaclyn, her relationship with Schadenfreude appears to solely consist of good old screaming expletives at one another. It’s a rather shocking version of love between two people and a world totally surrendered to the ill-intentioned schemes of mad scientists. It is insinuated that so as to help school Schadenfreude steal inventions, she puts on all sorts of characters and becomes the ‘girlfriend’ of several other blokes.

When working on an invention, Igor’s master, Dr. Glickenstein, dies when a cataclysm places him in a state of grief. Igor sees the blast coming and half-heartedly attempts to warn him, but Glickenstein, much like the rest of them, decides to ignore Igor and pays the ultimate consequences of his arrogance. A mere electrical limb is all that is left of him now, the award that is passed on to those who prod with the question, “What happened?”

It’s not the only experiment that fails spectacularly. When things go sideways in Malaria, they go sideways in style. Blazing grenades release all around them. There are explosions, fire, broken machinery, and absolute chaos. At the Evil Science Fair, trademarked robots fight each other to the death. Underneath the banner that reads “We have to attack life and survive,” Eva shouts “Tomorrow” as she rips lesser rivals apart and throws them into the coliseum. Eva singlehandedly wipes all of the competitors.

A nearby ‘brainwash’ facility claims they can change your overly kind family member into something as cruel as an ‘axe murderer.’ Igor brings Eva to do this with the intent of turning her brain into mush. (Let’s just say it doesn’t have much of an impact on her.) He does try to teach Eva how to torture, maim and kill by tormenting her with ‘live’ stage props (Eva wants to act after he ‘washes’ her brain, so he’s trying to persuade her to do evil by telling her that a good actress destroys ‘props’ which is basically acting.)

The carriage chase scene involves great speed, hairpin bends, high cliffs and crashes. On the topic of high cliffs, a number of characters leap from them. Gun-like weapons are sometimes used. One of them makes its targets mouse-sized. Faced with being sliced into little ‘recyclable’ chunks by massive gnashing blades, Scamper starts to gnaw his foot off to escape and save his friends.

Scamper bites a live high-voltage wire and, as expected with cartoons, goes up in flames. An exploding greeting card punches a hole in his head. Igors are used as bowling balls and punching bags (When a master gets angry at someone else, they slap their Igors.) Brain is chased by Igor, who is bludgeoning him with an axe.

The scene where the King is crushed is quite brief and comes without bloodshed. Schadenfreude, on the other hand, drops from a pretty impressive height. In both scenarios, you believe they die.

Carl Cristall, the TV news channel host, is a man who has become a phenomenon. He has developed the habit of doing live presentations without trousers. Since he is invisible, the state of ‘exposure’ over here is purely fictional. Still, a number of remarks are made concerning his “au natural” condition. He once scratches his naked butt.

As Eva’s bulk is accustomed to laugh lines, the King has the following line: “Come on boys, let us go give some elderly a good kicking.” This was set up by Louis Prima’s “The Bigger the Figure” song. Scamper rolls his eyes at what he refers to as Eva’s “woman problem.” A couple of (mostly light-hearted) barbs are thrown at blind orphans. Beneath Eva, Heidi says, “You know, it does feel like I was organized in a junkyard.” As I call out King, a brain named blurts out an utterly insane phrase containing “myself” and the act of “wetting” together.

An Igor speaks of his experiences with urination within a hot tub, blaming it on the party people.

”For expertly adapting classic horror flicks and ‘digging into the depths of horror’ in the relentlessly perky piece ‘Tomorrow’ from Annie, it deserves a medal,“ writes Andrea Chase for Killer Movie Reviews.

Understand what I mean? A lot depends on the attitude of the person (the child) going to the theatre, as to whether he or she exits from seeing Igor motivated to tear off their evil bone and do good deeds, or simply chuckles at how funny it was to watch Eva kill Annie.

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