Go Chase Yourself (1938)


A Nightmare begins in “Go Chase Yourself” that series unmistakably encapsulates the consuming world of Maria’s dreams. By resembling a relatively close to Amanda Rodriguez, Maria, as a character, is close to Maria. The character is in possession of high martial arts skills which allows her to actively defend during the assault.

Now the scene cuts to a group of young men, with silly masks on, robbing a brinks truck while a woman packs her car to meet her “one true love” Rob (Jason Gervasio).

In the review of Patrick Jerome the director, ‘Go Chase Yourself’ was inspired from a Haitian fairytale telling of families in which mothers possess supernatural strength.

The director did an awful job with the character development and at first, we see the main character in a dramatic scenario, which makes little to no sense. The girl seems to be on the verge of a mental breakdown or possibly hallucinating and the set up is just an absolute mess.

Now, let us look at the film. The production quality is poor, and it feels like it was done through a camera. While I am positive that is not the case but rather feeling comes from the visual being so monotone. The sound effects are bland and the music seemed to be added in just for effect but honestly in my opinion, it just ruins the scene and makes it worse. It’s pathetic really, the acting was terrible.

The narrative is flawed and the dialogue does not provide any insight into the plot. The assembled clips do not correspond to any scene.

In brief, “Go Chase Yourself” is dull, the director’s depiction of the motion picture is more engaging than the final rendering.

What I have quoted below is Patrick Jerome’s take on how “Go Chase Yourself” was produced, but I would advise the reader to be careful as this is not the documentary that Jerome created.

Quebec is a mashup of languages and cultures, language is often a point of tension, it is partly American, partly French. This French-speaking province has undergone drastic social change since the 1960s, and as a result, it is globally viewed through the lens of Quebec history. They gunt in und fundamental fivahrams, claim state. Edited predominantly in natural settings, the mic. The script itself was constructed and the Lidar and the s in the Boston area Covid restrictions were in place. The production timeline was not only brisk, but masking the tremendous hardship of Boston winters, for starters, loomy inaccessible,”

I congratulate Jerome for his mastery in film making as most people only speak about doing it. So, pat him on the back for his efforts. Maybe when he starts working on a story that draws more from his supernatural Haitian heritage, he will have more ganas to build a proper three structural plot .

The film “Go Chase Yourself” is unpleasant throughout its run time, which is set at 85 minutes.

Employing Amanda Rodriguez, Jason Gervasio, Gretel Munday, Kathy-Ann Hart, Anthony Hoang, Vac Harris, Cynthia Salazar, and Sam Zephir. Directed this work Patrick Jerome, producer Juri Love.

To watch more movies like visit Go Chase Yourself (1938) 123movies.

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