Terrifier (2016)


The movie begins with a documentary-style scene where a survivor with severe scars recounts an attack done to her by a clown called Art. The survivor states that Art was definitely dead, but after a sequence where a character loses their eyes, we see Art on the street with a garbage bag. We also see two women who are dressed in costumes coming from a Halloween party to get some slices of pizza. As they are attempting to sober up, Art decides that he has picked his prey for the evening and begins to kidnap and murder people.

That is what the movie boils down to. Terrifier is not more elaborate than that. There are no themes or deep meanings to Terrifier it’s just about a clown that goes around killing a few unsuspecting girls and some girls who are attempting to get away from him. I have to say that I do like the premise of it and I am glad that a movie like this created a cult following and was able to support the sequel at the box office. However, this type of horror film is not my cup so I have nothing to drive me to the sequel.

I have no qualms with Terrifier, and my compliments lie in my assessment above. It certainly meets its own set objectives. This is a gory slasher with cartoonishly violent and cringe-worthy deaths that aim to either elicit laughter or you squirming in your seat. Considering the reputation Terrifier 2 has garnered so far, it’s likely they only stepped up the game to another level in that. The way the deaths are shot emphasizes their brutal violence. Unlike other slasher films such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, which shows creativity in the kill sequences, Terrifier seems more focused on discomforting the viewer. I’d say the mission would be accomplished for most people who saw this, as I am deeply impressed by what Terrifier is able to do with such a small budget. The make-up and special effects are surprisingly good however, the little amount of money that was used is shocking.

Oh, and I will mention that, aside from David Howard Thornton, the rest of the cast’s acting was stiff or flat overall. I was somewhat entertained by it, but I still stand by my previous statement that it didn’t change my opinion of the film much. However, Thornton’s Art the Clown is definitely the best of the cast.

There are a lot of subtle emotions he has to exhibit without having a lot of dialogue, much like a silent horror movie villain. Whenever he’s present, there is no moment where you look anywhere else. Even when he’s smiling, he is somewhat frightening. You can tell he is enjoying this role.

Unfortunately for me, I just happen to have a very different take on slasher films, as I am not inclined toward horror films which aim to disgust or shock the audience. It is not that I hate violence since I relish the work of John Carpenter’s The Thing and the Gruesome Evil Dead from 2013. I am just not super in touch with movies where tension is sidelined for gore. Shocking your audiences for the sake of shock is the worst flavor of horror. Because of that, I was a bit bored watching Terrifier, but hey, if that is what you’re into go for it.

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