Enemy Mine (1985)


Enemy Mine” is like camping out on a planetary battlefield somewhere in the future. It is a story that goes hand-in-hand with the book *Robinson Crusoe,” particularly on a planet named Fyrine IV. It is set around a grim red volcanic landscape of the red planet laced with meteors and extremely cold weather. In my opinion, the Earth looks a lot better than this planet. Imagine being on a cold planet with two gigantic suns alongside six moons all at once. This planet will break your heart. The story revolves around two enemy fighter pilots from opposing sides who crash-land on a deserted planet. One of these pilots is a naive Earthling while the other is a reptilian humanoid from the planet Dracon. They realize how much they have to rely on each other and in so doing learn how to live with one another, eventually progressing towards love. I had set my expectation extremely high on this movie with the expectation that my mind will be blown, it met me half way with how astonishing the planet looks and the effects, however, towards the middle, the narrative fell short. It clearly lacked imagination in the vision along with the skeleton of the plot. I was truly looking forward to a science fiction movie with a great blend of mystery and emotion. Unfortunately for us, the movie ends with an alien that is gripped with humanity to an extreme extent and does not have much appeal in actuality. The film goes to extreme lengths to add life sustaining resources in place of the psoid, with tree’s, food, water and oxygen to make it habitable both for humanoids and dracs.

Like many films, the rest of the plot relies on the hero’s enemies conveniently arriving at the right place at the right time for the trigger to be pulled, and allies showing up just in time for the rescue. It cowers too much.

How is it to dare? The realm of science fiction has intriguing aliens – for exemple, the intelligent but ironic beings who depict the leaping reptiles. Why on earth couldn’t the Drac be properly alien? They do exist in this film. There are some breaks of inspiration like how “Dracs” are actually “hermaphrodites,” but “Enemy Mine” only uses that to create a Drac child for a few pathetic tearjerking scenes that is bound for the Little League. The idea of aliens with combined sexes had been dealt with much better in more advanced literature like Isaac Asimov’s The Gods Themselves where there were three rather than two. Even the greatist science fiction aliens who are inorganic tend to be perceived as the most outsided to this world. In fact, when the Drac in “Enemy Mine” learns English, he doesn’t seem to differ from the Earthman.

Both of these performances are admirable, but they are burdened with a sappy and unoriginal story. There was potential for creativity if they had been left alone on their desolate planet. However, “Enemy Mine” is reduced to a melodramatic, 1930’s space opera, complete with the introduction of barbaric human slavers who abduct Dracs and subjugate them to work in the mines.

While the slavers loomed with their whips over their captives, I found myself questioning how cost effective manual labor seemed at this stage. It is crystal clear, with the level of technology that can reach the planet Fyrine IV, there must be better ways to mine its ores. Then there comes the unbelievable parts, Quaid is said to be lifeless when a spaceship that no one ever sees actually retrieves him. The parts when he wakes up, the human spaceships flying back to Fyrine, as if returning to aid them, and the last stupid battle where people shoot each other aimlessly makes no sense. Was the entire cast so low on creative skill after the rich movie filled scope of ideas to just have the ending center around fist fighting and shooting? I had given up by the time the ending came around, which was when everything was fixed and felt to me as an empty attempt.

The film stands out for not compromising on its artistic direction, special effects, or cast performances. However, it seems to have placed everything else on the chopping block.

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