2012 Doomsday I guess the name seems self-explanatory. The tagline for the movie in IMDB is: “A Modern Christian Epic in the Tradition of The Omega Code and Left Behind presented by Faith Films.” This alone indicates why this film went straight to the bargain shelf.
I love my share of prophecies, so I do not mind some biblical movies, but this one is by far the worst I have ever seen. First of all, I appreciate Faith Films for trying to ride the hype of 2012, but there are limits to how you mix Mayan Prophecies with Biblical ones. I am no expert on Mayan Mythology, but if you are going to attempt to write a book or create a movie based on certain prophecies, then you need to select one set of doctrines to work with. Not start off with a Mayan Doomsday, and then switching to a Christian centerpiece just makes no sense.
I try not to judge a movie based on its cover but having watched this for some 80-odd minutes, I find it increasingly difficult to write an unbiased review about a film that is, without a doubt, one of the worst I have seen in my life. And trust me, I have seen some doozies. I just wish I could get my hands on MIB’s Neutralizer and wipe out all the memories of it.
The movie had some good actors in like Cliff De Young, and Dale Midkiff but even with the lengthy list of acting credits behind them, the film was impossible to save from the scrap heap of what I refer to as a Lamosity.
The movie starts out and it’s only 36 hours before DOOMSDAY. Frank Richards (Dale Midkiff) has made the discovery of a golden crucifix that predates European exploration, which is like the most remarkable discovery someone could make.
We have Lloyd (Cliff DeYoung) the doomsday bureaucrat who tries to convince his daughter Sarah (Danae Nason) to leave Mexico, while simultaneously trying to convince his “team of experts” that the world is ending. Lloyd is caught in a corner considering that his “experts” look like telemarketers.
Next, we get the Mexican character called Alex who is played by Joshua Lee. For Alex, his scene is basic enough. He clandestinely snaps photos of Sarah and then subsequently, he tries to capture a glimpse of the tail next thing we see him is being her stupid minion (How the fu** I still don’t know. Probably I was so sleepy from boredom). Not to forget the classic scene with him zooming to the temple in the SUV with Sarah sitting next to him while the pregnant girl sits in the back, and out of nowhere starts hailing and this idiot (who obviously got his driver’s license from a box of Cheerios) start swerving the SUV all over the road to avoid the hailstones (Aren’t you glad real people don’t do that!)
Keep in mind, this idiot sidekick of mine gets rammed by possibly the world’s biggest hailstone, but funnily enough, he manages to stay alive long enough to ramble some crap to Sarah. I mean as lame as his acting was he probably did something to do with her being a hot babe or “save the cheerleader” (hang on wrong show). Anyway, who really pays attention to what he mumbled during those long moments?
His protrusion spoke of a hole the size of a baseball. Yet, exposing this inner wound, it was completely fine for him to have a chat with Sarah for 5 minutes.
Hi me, A person with a hole through their chest the size of a baseball might just live long enough to pull over the car and verbally unload all those things we hate to hear. Test that one out someday.
To be honest, do yourself a favor and save yourself the 99 cents. Rent literally any other movie instead, unless you want to be exiled into a Doom of your own making by watching this garbage.
Plot synopsis The picture revolves around four faithful strangers meeting at an old Mexican temple on Doom Day March 21st, 2012. This apocalyptic crap features Cliff De Young and Dale Midkiff. Trying to locate the Mayans seems to be the starting point of the extinction of the human race quote. Centuries before, the Mayans predicted that times would come to an ultimate end on the 21st of December, 2012, and now that we are living in this World, NASA scientists have detected a destructive polar shift looming on the horizon. Is it possible that an ancient Mexican temple would serve as the means to unlock a secret that protects the civilization from utter destruction?
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